Removing Constraints

Freedom from Limitations

Weight Management coached program

Would you be shocked to know that a coached program of weight reduction has over 10 years of success.

You may cry tears of joy that in just a few sessions, you will have long term habit changes for weight reduction

Checking what is available on google
“diets that work” About 774,000,000 results

“diets that work long term” About 5,350,000 results

The Heart Foundation states
“In 2014/15, more than one in four adult Australians were obese. This represents almost five million Australians aged 18 and over (BMI of 30.0kg/m2 or more). More than two million Australian men were obese, or approximately 28% of all males aged 18 and over. Close to 2.5 million Australian women were obese, or approximately 27% of all females aged 18 and over.”

According to 2007 statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO), Australia has the third-highest prevalence of overweight adults in the English-speaking world.

Clearly the statistics don’t back many of the google results actually working for you.

Depending on the amount you wish to lose (1kg per week is recommended) we will design a coached program, of an hour each session, to get started, then fortnightly to keep you on track and deal with any emotional issues or habit patterns that emerge to sabotage your success
It will use Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT), Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and Clinical Hypnotherapy to bring about long term habit changes for weight reduction.