Removing Constraints

Freedom from Limitations

Fast Phobia Cure

You could be shocked to hear that phobias and trauma that have been with you, even since childhood, can be easily dealt with in one painless session  

The rewind technique, also known as the fast phobia cure, evolved from the technique developed by Richard Bandler one of the co-founders of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). He called it the VK dissociation technique (the V stands for visual and the K for kinaesthetic — feelings).

In a controlled study participants were able to clearly understand and measure their own increase in well being and decrease in unwelcome symptoms. The most commonly mentioned effects were:

  • increased confidence
  • no more flashbacks
  • more positive mood
  • ability to speak about the trauma without triggering alarm or difficulty
  • no more fear

The fact that the treatment is quick, easy and painless was commented on by very many and most said they would recommend the method to others. No other treatment was deemed to equal its success. One client’s comment, sums up exactly what is so successfully in the treatment of trauma: “I can still recall the picture but it doesn’t have the emotional punch. It doesn’t hold emotional power any more.”